Strawberry & Yoghurt Roll-Up
A Simple & Healthy Snack for You and the Kids!
Fruit Roll-ups that are both healthy and taste good!
Strawberry & Yoghurt Roll-Up is a yummy treat for both the kids & for a quick "breakfast on-the-go"!
And so quick & easy to create...
Simply blend in the Power Mill or Vitamix Blender:
1 punnet of organic strawberries - non-organic strawberries are amongst the "dirty dozen" for chemicals
2 bananas
3 dollops of organic yoghurt
Then pour onto paraflexx sheets.
Tip: Pour in a large circle, and smooth inwards to centre - this will ensure the edges are slightly thicker than middle for more even drying.
Place into Excalibur Food Dehydrator and dehydrate for approx 10 Hours at 45C